10 Mom Truths to Help You Realize You’re Not A l o n e

10 Mom Truths to Help You Realize You’re Not A l o n e

It’s no secret that being a mom is hard work. But I think that’s the beauty in it. You become this multi-tasking superhero that has tiny humans looking up to you, depending on you, and loving you unconditionally. How freakin’ awesome is that?!

Some days you feel like you’re crushing it and doing everything right, and others you feel like you’re drowning and don’t know what the heck you’re doing. But one thing is for sure, you were chosen to be a mama to your baby/babies. You are equipped to be exactly what your children need and nobody else can be as good of a mama to them as you.

You’re not alone in this crazy journey of motherhood.

  1. Your coffee is always cold. // Yes, it’s true, no matter how many times you re-heat the coffee, it’s always getting cold after all the chasing and playing and picking up and feeding and doing all the mom things. Iced coffee is a great option.
  2. Half your day is now spent picking up toys. // Embrace the mess, mama. It means playing has happened and memories are being made in your home.
  3. You don’t get an award for how you “mom.” There’s no award for having the best sleeper, eater, napper, or how soon your kids walk/talk. // Do what works for you and your kids. It doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks, you parent and do what works for y’all, even when it feels crazy. (Krew slept with us until he was nine months old. And we did not care one single bit about it. It worked for us, and we transitioned to his crib when it felt right for us.
  4. It’s okay to not have it all together. // Dishes will be left in the sink, laundry will have to be re-washed, and probably sit in the dryer for days…and IT IS OKAY. You won’t get out of pajamas some days, and your hair will go days on days of needing washed, and IT IS OKAY. You don’t have to have makeup on, hair fixed, dressed nice everyday to be a good mom. Let the dishes sit some days and spend time with your kids. You don’t want to look back and say you wish you spent more time loving on them instead of doing chores. The chores will be there, the time with your babies will pass.
  5. You. Will. Cry. // You’ll probably cry more than you ever have when you’re a mom. You’ll cry happy tears about accomplishments, sad tears about them growing up, stressed/overwhelmed tears. You may cry in your kitchen floor, in the shower, in your closet, let it go mama. It means you care. You’re doing a good job, mama. Keep going.
  6. One day your kid(s) will be growing up and doing things you used to only talk about them doing. // This smacks you in the face how fast time got away from you. Nobody prepares you for that feeling.
  7. Your camera roll is now filled with all things kid related. // Pictures of you kid(s) sleeping, eating, when they learn walking, talking, videos of them laughing, and 167 shots of the same outfit (gotta get the best one).
  8. Hats, dry shampoo, mom buns are your life now. // Seriously, you’re trying to make the last time you washed your hair last as long as possible girlfriend, spray the dry shampoo and pop a hat on. No shame. It’s okay, you’ll wash and fix your hair eventually.
  9. Your body is different now. And that’s not a bad thing. // Give yourself some very much needed and deserved grace. Your body carried and helped God make a human or humans. That’s as big of a blessing as they come. Love that body, it’s amazing.
  10. Your kid(s) are the reason you’re losing your mind, but also the reason you keep it all together. Crazy, right?
  • These babies of ours are tiny versions of us that are our built in best friends.
  • They make life worth living, even in all the crazy moments.
  • They make your heart explode on the daily (along with your head sometimes.)
  • Most importantly, your little one(s) need you mama.
  • Motherhood is a crazy blessing. You’re doing a great job and you’re not alone.
  • I’m just a mama that knows these 10 truths all too well. I love every single thing about them. •
  • 7+ Ways to Style a Denim Skirt

    7+ Ways to Style a Denim Skirt

    Y’all know how I feel about good basics. A denim skirt is no different. In a good denim skirt, you feel like you can conquer the world. Am I right, ladies?? You can have so many different looks and feel great in any of them! Wearing a skirt doesn’t mean you have to be dressed up, you can wear a denim skirt in multiple ways and still feel put together.

    1. Denim skirt // lightweight simple sweater // sneaker // cute & casual

    2. Same look + jacket **throw on a jacket if it’s a little more chilly outside**

    3. Denim skirt // off the shoulder sweater // fun belt // over-the-knee boots // girls night, date night, fun & flirty

    4. Denim skirt // cute tank, cami, shirt // cozy jacket or sweater // heels // speaking of date night, this is a fun way to wear heels while still having a Fall look with the jacket or sweater **same outfit, 2 views**

    5. Denim skirt // body suit, tank // sweater // over-the-knee boots // date night, shopping day, family photos, this look is casual, and flirty without showing too much skin

    6. Denim skirt // sweatshirt, hoodie // sneakers // cute and casual for errands or lunch

    7. Denim skirt // off the shoulder tee (knotted in front) // cute belt // over-the-knee boots // fun, flirty, casual for shopping, lunch, dinner, girls or date night

    8. Same look + cardigan **add a cardigan for a coziness and more of a Fall vibe** dressed up a little for family photos

    9. Denim skirt // bralette // plain white t-shirt // sneakers // hat // cute and casual for errands, a mom on the go, sports events, cookouts

    This post is not sponsored in any way. All opinions and styles are my own.

    I’m just a mama who likes a good denim skirt.

    Journey with me!

    Journey with me!

    Hey y’all! Let’s talk mama life. Wait, and wife life. Well, I wanna talk about fashion and style too. Oh, and beauty…hang on, maybe we should get a cup of coffee?

    No, seriously, I’m writing to talk all things fashion, beauty, mom and wife life, fitness, home, food, – I’m learning this whole cooking thing so y’all can get ready for some laughs – faith, and daily experiences in this beautiful chaos of life.

    I’m Cassidy, but so many people call me Cass, so I go by either! I’m 21 years old, a military wife to a hunk named Brandon, and a mama to a cutie named Krew. I’m North Carolina born and raised, and recently moved to take on life in Southern California with my hubby and baby! Whew, talk about an ADVENTURE. So, with a new baby, a cross country move, and a new dog, – yes, we also got a new puppy named Koda – you can see the beautiful chaos I’m talking about.

    But, through all of the craziness, I walk by faith and try to find beauty in every situation and embrace each and every moment. This life is too short not to, y’all! I’m also totally southern at heart (in case you can’t tell by how much I say “y’all”) and a serious lover of food. My sweet tooth is on another level. I enjoy beach time, a good book, working out (and breaking into dance in the middle of working out), and time with family, hubs, and our sweet baby boy.

    I’m just a mama and wife walking through life with my baby boy on my hip, coffee in hand, and my hubby by my side. Join me as I navigate this beautiful journey. I’m so glad you’re here!!