Valentine’s Day Outfit Inspo

Valentine’s Day Outfit Inspo

This may be an unpopular opinion, but Valentine’s Day is just a day, y’all. Yes, it’s the day of love and all that jazz, but too much pressure is put on it. It shouldn’t take a special day to celebrate your love, go on dates, get dressed up and go out, do something special for the ones you love. You can get dressed up and go get a nice dinner whenever. I definitely love celebrating Valentine’s Day, don’t get me wrong. But, I want it to be fun. That’s the whole thing I told Brandon this year was that we have Krew and I want to just celebrate together and enjoy our time together (with some Cheesecake Factory takeout.)

It doesn’t matter what you’re doing for Valentine’s Day! You could be going out, staying in, going to a fancy dinner with your person, or going out with friends. But whatever you do, have a good time! And hopefully I can give you some outfit inspo to look good and feel good while you’re doing whatever your plans may be! There are some more dressed up looks, some casual look, and some comfies of course!

I’ve linked the outfits I can in my and you can see those here. Or you can click the link in my bio on Instagram and then “shop my styles.”

Date Night/Girls’ Night

Any of these outfits are super cute and fun for a dressed up night out!

Casual Outfits for the Week/Casual Fun Night Out

All of these outfits are still cute and fun, but just a little more casual. These would be perfect for this week anytime, or going out for something like go carts, games, or something along those lines while still looking cute!

Let’s Get Comfy!

I would wear this outfit to stay in and hangout for Valentine’s Day, run to get takeout and watch movies, or after your date night!

Don’t be afraid to dress outfits how you want them styled! This is the same outfit but styled with heels vs. sneakers and I love both options! It totally depends on the look you’re going for but own your look, girl.

I hope this helped with some inspiration for your Valentine’s Day outfits. Let me know your favorite!

I’m just a mama who loves styling outfits.

Weekly Startup Oct. 28

Weekly Startup Oct. 28

Happy Monday! If you haven’t already, grab some coffee!! I cannot believe this week is Halloween!! Time. Is. Flying. I’m writing again from my phone because we still haven’t swallowed the pill of getting the MacBook fixed yet. Krew has his first dentist appointment and his one year checkup this week, which both went good, but boy am I glad they’re over. I hate appointments and I really hate having multiple in one week, but hey we knocked em out! The good thing is that we had a pretty laid back weekend over here! Brandon worked Saturday and Sunday morning then we just ran some errands and cleaned up some. Oh, we did do Walmart pickup for the first time Saturday which was awesome and I highly recommend, except my scatterbrained self forgot to add a few things on the list so we had to go in anyways….fail. It was still cool. Side note: if you like spicy things, try the Mikes Hot Honey. Thank me later! We did chicken tacos Saturday night because they’re such a good go to for us to throw in the crockpot and have leftovers! With Halloween being this week, we’re doing another cute little pumpkin craft with Krew tonight and it’s going to be a blast! We found this craft at Target in the dollar section….SCORE! Anywho, let’s jump into this week!!

Some Quotes to Get You Through the Week:

“Bad vibes don’t go with my outfit.” // I just felt like this was perfect to start the week out, keep the bad vibes off, they don’t match your outfit.

“You’re only limit is your mind.” // Come on, this seriously speaks for itself and it speaks volumes. Nothing is holding you back more than a mindset. Change it and make it happen.

“Remember, growing may feel like breaking at first.” // I love this quote because think about it, trees lose their leaves in Winter, to grow back even more beautiful in the Spring. Also, think of animals who shed their fur, then it comes back thicker. When you workout, muscles tear so they can grow. Growing as a person can cause pain and trouble and feel like you’re crumbling when you’re actually becoming stronger. You’ll get through it.

“A grateful heart is a magnet for miracles.” // Holy moly this may be my new favorite quote. This one hits home because seriously, the more grateful you are, don’t you feel a change in your life??? Man, if this doesn’t just make you wanna dance around then I don’t know what does. I just love it.

“Embrace the glorious mess you are.” // I say beautiful chaos all the time because that’s exactly what life is. We all are messy at times, especially us mamas, life is messy. Just embrace the mess, get through it one moment at a time and flaunt it sista.

Random Thoughts and Tips

Y’all know I love layering, especially with the weather finally deciding to get cooler. Well, this means we can also start bringing out our vests! Vests are great for layering, add a flare to any outfit, simple and warm while still looking trendy, you can wear them casual or dressed up, and there are so many options out there! Puffers, fleece, denim, sherpa, reversible, I mean there are all types! And I love a good vest! I actually did a roundup of different ways to style vests yesterday and will launch that blog post tomorrow, so stay tuned!! PLUS, all my clothing items (and Krew’s and Brandon’s sometimes) are all linked in the free app to make for easy shopping!!

Me and Brandon have our Marine Corps Ball coming up soon, and we’ve never been to one in 4 years, so this year its happening!! This will also be our first time going out in such a long time without Krew so my mama heart is gonna be hurting and stressed out…prayers! I’ll be sure to share my dress, shoes, jewelry and all that jazz as it gets closer.

The best piece of advice I’ve been told lately is that people are going to judge you no matter what you do, so do whatever the heck pleases you! Seriously, judged if your hairs dirty, judged if it’s always clean and fixed. Judged for cooking all the time, judged for going out to dinner. Judged if you dress up for Halloween, judged if you don’t. Judged for what you wear and how you wear something. Judged for how you parent, judged for wearing makeup, not wearing makeup. Y’all the list goes on and on. Let’s stop judging and just do what makes each of us happy.

Random tip for holiday season- if you don’t have a calendar or planner (or use your phone) start doing it to map out when you need to have certain gifts by, and it also helps to keep things divided up so it doesn’t stress you out!

Thanksgiving Ideas

  • Mashed potatoes
  • Sweet potatoes
  • Green beans
  • Pumpkin pie
  • Turkey
  • Ham
  • Cabbage
  • Brussel sprouts + sweet potatoes on same pan
  • Cornbread
  • Corn
  • Biscuits
  • Rice
  • Mac and cheese
  • Turnip greens
  • Potato salad
  • Cauliflower/broccoli
  • Pinto beans
  • Casseroles
  • Pasta salad
  • Baked beans
  • Cranberry sauce
  • Cheese board/dips
  • Meatballs
  • Chicken stew
  • Wings
  • Sliders
  • Tacos
  • Pumpkin cake

I freakin love Thanksgiving. I made a huge list (and probably left out some things because it’s 12:32 am) of a bunch of random items that aren’t all traditional Thanksgiving dishes because Thanksgiving to me is about reflecting on what you’re thankful for and enjoying a meal with friends and family. We haven’t decided what we’re cooking yet but boy I am pumped! Let me know if there’s anything specific your family HAS TO HAVE for Thanksgiving!


Abercrombie // 40-60% off coats, hoodies, jeans

Aerie // 50% off bras and bralettes + 40% off sweaters

Joe’s New Balance Outlet // great New Balance shoe deals all the time!

Old Navy // 30% off everything code: HURRY

Gap // up to 50% off everything + extra 10% off online code: TREAT

Fabletics // 2 for $24 leggings when signing up

Overstock // great holiday deals

Wayfair // up to 60% off seasonal decor + up to 70% off kitchen items

Toms // free shipping on all orders

Pink Lily // 20% off order code: THANKYOU20

J. Crew // 35% off code: WEARNOW

Target // so many sales and its Target so it’s always a win

Amazon leopard blanket // great price for a great gift!

As always, thanks for reading and hanging out over here! I hope you have a great week and stay spooky for Halloween!! I’m going to make some Halloween-themed snacks today or tomorrow, YUM!

Happy Monday you guys!!

I’m just a mama sending out good vibes for your Monday.